The key to successful organizational change is
to establish a self-aware group that can consciously and
continuously take action towards its own change.
We are surrounded by constant opportunities for learning, but we often do not see or experience the results.
Hermann Ebbinghaus, a German psychologist who pioneered the experimental study of memory, stated that a person will forget 77% of what he/she learned in a week if he/she does nothing.
People do not learn very well in an environment where information is spoon fed. They learn best when they become aware of the situation, and then through their own cognitive experience, discover and understand the context behind the situation. They are then able to digest the information and transform it into their own wisdom, and can therefore take action in a much more meaningful and effective manner. When this cycle is continued, it becomes integrated into the person and then the culture of the organization.
This is why we question and continue to question in order to provide the opportunity for awareness and discovery. We honor the learning process in each individual by providing an environment where people can, through their own awareness, change their perspective and thought processes and thereby change their actions.
“We clarify the Company’s vision and goals and build a concrete strategy to realize that vision” We focus on top management’s success as a business person as well as their personal growth.
To describe top management’s relationship with the organization, we use the analogy of a ship and its captain. The captain not only decides the destination and steers the ship, but also overcomes many obstacles and challenges with the ship in order to keep the sailing smooth and safe. When the ship and the captain are one, the ship’s crew can work happily and effectively.
Organizations have a very unique energy distinct from that of top management. We start our coaching by identifying and understanding this energy so that top management and the organization’s energy can agree on a common management direction.
In Top Management Coaching we help management understand its own thought process behind its general attitude and decision making process. We will create opportunities for continuous awareness and learning while tackling issues unique to top management.
In the world of UVCA, top management will face unimaginable pressure and will have to make difficult decisions in order to generate the best results for the company.
Given such environment, it is of upmost importance that each member of management optimizes his/her thought process and body/mind balance in order to be in the right mindset at the right time.
We approach factors that are foundational to the success of the company such as top management values, unconscious factors that play into the decision making process, as well as each member’s core set of beliefs that impact how the organization is operated. We help bring awareness to these factors which then will drive change for the individual and the organization as well as provide a better life for the individual.
“We cultivate corporate cultures and team cultures that increase productivity and employee engagement levels” We see the organization (team) as one living organism and facilitate the transformation of the whole organism.
Using our original experiential learning model, we make transparent the current state of the organizational and team culture, relationships, and unheard yet important voices. Through this process, we will facilitate the following activities.
1.Establish an organizational structure based on conscious cooperation
2.Identify and establish understanding and acceptance of intrinsic structural qualities of the organization, roles and responsibilities, function, and diversity
3.Explore possibilities of the organization’s natural strength
4.Clarify and share/communicate the organization’s direction
5.Create an action plan and execute
As a result of these activities, learning will occur at a very deep level and a culture of open and honest communication will form leading to stronger team dynamics with autonomy and continuity.
Organizations with the following qualities will especially benefit from this service
◆Organizations that want to effectively harness its diversity
◆Organizations that want to improve the quality of communication within the firm for a more cooperative corporate culture
◆Multi-cultural organizations (via M&A and re-organizations) that want to integrate its best aspects into one holistic culture
◆Organizations that want to address the root cause of inter-departmental conflict and indifference
◆Organizations that want to transform from a “collection of individuals” to team based culture
“Global Leadership Coaching works with the current generation of leaders to develop their skills so that they can lead the organization through change and transformation.” “Global Leadership Coaching also helps develop the next generation of leaders so that they will be ready to effectively guide the organization through change in the future”
In an ever more complex and diverse business world, global leaders are challenged both personally and professionally to grow, adapt, and lead the organization. We believe the following qualities are keys to address these challenges.
◆Ability to take initiative and action
◆Empathy and respect
◆Clear communication
◆Courage to take appropriate risk
For the current generation of leaders, the following benefits can be expected through coaching:
◆Understanding of the current leadership style
◆Identifying the thought processes and belief systems that are sabotaging the effectiveness of the leader
◆Clarifying personal and professional goals and effectively and efficiently reaching those goals
◆Opening the creative process and therefore increasing the choices that management can take
◆Enhancing soft “people” skills to increase leadership influence throughout the organization
For the next generation of leaders, we use coaching methods to achieve the following objectives:
◆Clarify personal and professional vision/goals and reaching those goals in an efficient manner
◆Develop and enhance the ability to objectively observe his/her own thought process and emotional state and therefore be able to perceive situations from different angles
◆Harness the creative process to create more options for his/her professional growth and for that of the organization
◆Learn how to consciously push beyond the comfort zone to cultivate initiative and courage
◆Strengthen leadership soft skills in order to develop his/her staff
◆Learn effective stress management strategies by understanding the different underlying relationship structure and characteristics